Directional Vertex Relaxation (DVR) is a mesh optimization algorithm introduced by Rangarajan et al. in the paper - Provably Robust Directional Vertex Relaxation for Geometric Mesh Optimization. A parallel version of the DVR algorithm has been introduced using OpenMP. This project involved improving the performance and scalability of parallel DVR. Performance bottlenecks were analyzed using profiling and large scale mesh optimization was performed. This work was conducted under the guidance of Prof. Ramsharan Rangarajan at the Mechanics and Computation Lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science.
Some results are listed below -
- The parallel execution time was reduced by 47.4%.
- 100% scalability was ensured in all 2D and 3D meshes which translated to a 40x speedup.
- Meshing software such as CGAL, Hypermesh and Tetgen were used to prepare large scale meshes that demonstrate parallel optimization.
- The mesh 'Nefertiti' with 14,315,330 elements and 2,953,326 nodes was relaxed by 40 threads in 1.33 mins as opposed to a single thread execution of 52.16 mins.